If you are looking for the fall 2022 CSE 132 webpage, it is here: https://cse132.engineering.wustl.edu.
Welcome to the workshop! Your instructors today are Roger Chamberlain, James Orr, and Bill Siever.
The subject of the workshop is to familiarize attendees with the logistics of using a popular microcontroller platform (the Arduino Uno) to introduce fundamental concepts in computer science and computer engineering. The Arduino Uno is quite popular in the hobbyist "maker" community, and our high-level goal is to start the transition of our students from amateur hobbyist makers into professional scientists and engineers.
Today, we will concentrate on exercises that introduce the following fundamental subject matter:
If you can, do the following prior to the workshop:
The issue is that the Arduino Uno cable has a USB-A male connector, and you want to have a USB-A female socket to plug it into.
Download and install the Arduino IDE 1.8.19 (the latest stable version) for whichever laptop OS you are using (they are listed under the "Download Options" on the right, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux are all supported). You don't want to use the web editor at the very top of the page, you want to download the software. Note, if you don't get to the second step before the workshop, no worries, it doesn't take all that long, you can do it at the beginning of the session.
Here the the schedule of activities for the workshop:
Take your new Arduino Uno kit home with you and play! Try out any of the studios or assignments in the semester-long course (see below for details).
The slides from the workshop are available here.
We are happy to continue our interaction with workshop attendees after the workshop. If you have follow-up questions about the material, would like to consider adoption of some (or all) of the materials, or just want to keep in touch, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact any of the workshop organizers, as we've all taught the semester-long course many times!
Starting after the line below is the webpage for the course that the workshop is based upon. The specifics of the webpage are from the fall 2021 semester. If you are a faculty member at another institution and would like to adopt some or all of these materials in your department, feel free to contact me (Roger Chamberlain, roger AT wustl.edu) and I will be happy to share the information about the class that is hidden behind password protection.
CSE 132 introduces students to fundamental concepts in the basic operation of computers, from microprocessors to servers, and explores the universal similarities between all modern computing problems: how do we represent data? How do we communicate with other computers? How do processors "think"?
We study inputs, outputs, and sensing; information representation; basic computer architecture and machine language; time-critical computation; inter-machine communication; and protocol design.
Students use both desktop systems and hand-held (Arduino-compatible) micro-controllers to design and implement solutions to problems. They also participate in active-learning sessions where they work with professors and their peers to solve problems collaboratively.
Prerequisite: CSE 131 or equivalent.
The instructor for the course this semester is Roger Chamberlain. Here is a short video about me.
The notes on exam 1 that are posted on Piazza are also available here.
The introductory email that I sent to the class is available here.
Head TAs this semester are Nina Tekkey and Michael Filippini. TA hours are documented here.
This is a lecture-less class, please do the prep work and attend studio to keep up.
Lab locations are on the 2nd floor of Urbauer. Come to the lab for which you are registered, but we may move you to a different section (at the same time) to better handle the load.
We will primarily use Piazza for communication in the class. Please use Piazza over email for asking questions.
Here are some useful links:
The calendar is subject to change during the course of the semester.
Here are links to explanatory guides on course material:
Here are links to external reference materials: